New Plateaus - Daily Dispatch 41
Lets see how much we've grown!
Lets see how much we've grown!
Am I even living?
This is what's up this week: Kendrick Lamar is a notetaking GOD and how that plays out in his creativity We normally have this idea that great content is created by a writer sitting down and working from 9 am say 12o clock and writing as much as
Some stuff I've got cooking up
Some thoughts on political ideologies and DApps
Onwards we go.
For those of you who don't know it yet, I hold a bachelor's degree in Control and Automation Engineering. Here's what I found to be very useful not only during the course of my degree but in other parts of life as well. The
So here's how I'm using social media to spread my content so far. Social Media I have some Applets on IFTTT that listen for my RSS feed from this blog for "tw33t-post" and "l1nkedin-post" (without the numbers, I don't want
So far pretty good actually.
See here at a Ghost Publication we can embed HTML into our posts.
So, it's been a while, I'm thinking of writing more on Startups and business, and on finance. But instead of talking and summarizing things, I think it's more useful for you all if I actually live through my own advice and share what has
...It then became a very useful way to cope with stress at college.
This is my last week in a short post.
So hello, it’s been a while, and I haven’t being keeping up with my daily dispatches, or maybe my days are longer than yours. Relativity man, who knows? So I was playing around with a Node.js (nodejs.org) project hosting it using Docker alongside a Postgres database.
How do you predict the unpredictable? Some of what I’ve found reading Black Swan (Still haven’t finished it): * What Nassim Nicholas Taleb argues in his book Black Swan is that the first step is to realize which variables you can and can’t predict. Emphasis on the “can’
One of the things I started using in college and was such a game changer that I continued using was the Pomodoro Technique. What is it? Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s created what is called The Pomodoro Technique. He wanted to help improve with his studies by making it