Everything is a Test
What if instead of thinking of Test Driven Development, we start thinking “Everything you do is testing some hypothesis”. Everything is a test. How would that change your approach?
What if instead of thinking of Test Driven Development, we start thinking “Everything you do is testing some hypothesis”. Everything is a test. How would that change your approach?
There’s this concept of not depending on books or courses that got my interest lately. After I learned to love reading, I would get my hands on anything non-fictional that was readable, even say, anatomy books. I grew up on my old auntie’s room. So I had plenty
So I’ve been playing around with Vim, the improved version of VI from old operational systems. It’s been very challenging so far, I haven’t really wrapped my head around all the neat commands, and switching from the 3 modes (VISUAL, NORMAL, INSERT) is still taking some time.
It’s been a while since I’ve written about some “normal” Android Development. Today I followed a lead on DiffUtil, a library that a senior developer told me about. It is supposed to be used in Recycler views with adapters to avoid having to call notifyAllDataChanged() and having some
I know y’all miss my daily dispatches, that aren’t daily at all, only on the days I do write them. So I’ve been out of gym, due to the price rising too high and my current employer recently giving me Gympass access. So I decided to cancel
... forming those relationships trains your brain to look for patterns. After all, connection is learning.
It takes about 5 minutes a day, over 2 months to have those calluses on the fingertips to be able to play a classic guitar without feeling sharp pain. So I decided to pick up guitar as a daily practice, just to have some hobby outside of looking at a
What if your notes could talk to each other like free objects in space? Or like neurons talk to each other?
There’s a reason why we use SQL databases, a 40 year old technology. Relating one data with another is very useful to perform fast search operations (queries) on them. And I’ve found some lovely tech to help model a SQL database. DrawSQL helps you see in a very
Damn I didn’t know I needed a browser that has vertical tabs, email, calendar sync, feed subscriber and splitting views. And that’s not even half of what it does. It also has two level tabs. AAAAAND session saving. Check it out at their website. On a different note,
I really can’t. The error that I documented here Youtrack. It seems the error is gone once we removed the following line from my gradle.properties: kotlin.native.cacheKind.iosX64=none That is it, it is a directive for the kotlin to C compiler to not use cache during
So far I’ve created several issues and posts relating to the same error. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-51677 ios – Kotlin Multiplatform Error linkPodDebugFrameworkIos FAILED – Stack Overflow And on the kotlinlang slack. Fuck my ass this bug is seriously annoying. However it’s interesting to be handling an error
FINALLY. The bug of not finding then shared.klib package seems to be solved. All we had to do is change the generated podspec from android studio to include the task moko resources told us to include, and then (and here’s the trick) on the build.gradle, inside the
One of the perks of working as a software developer is when you find an unsolvable problem, that no one in the world got but you. You feel special for a moment. Then the anger comes in. I had a building problem with Kotlin Multiplatform mobile on a project running
I’ve been trying to solve problems for an app to build all day today. It wasn’t fun. In the end it was just some @sshole changing their lib, so I couldn’t fetch by the same version number anymore. It was this ColorPicker. If you fetch https://jitpack.
I recently started changing the project’s API client from Retrofit to Ktor. And it’s been a delight. As a reference here’s the before and after code. class MoviesAPIService { private val API_KEY_MOVIEDB = "It's Mine You can't have it" private val