
“Everything Sucks until you get a check from an investor”.


“Everything Sucks until you get a check from an investor”.

Posts in chronological Order:

I will take the Ring
I will take the Ring, although I do not know the way. Frodo So I have about 3 days to make up my mind about something. I got accepted to TrepCamp, entrepreneur program in Silicon Valley. Now just to make the situation clearer, some backstory. Silicon Valley “Lucas…
Which way should I go?
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where–” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. “–so long
Optimism is believing things will work out okay even though you have no proof of that. Why I lost my Optimism Ever since I read the book Isaac Asimov wrote about The Collapsing Universe I’ve had this sad hopeless view about things. The Universe will die. Thermal Death they


It was interesting learning about the ecosystem in Silicon Valley, and how investors rule out companies to invest in.

I had amazing opportunities to learn from awesome people like Ray Milhem, Ron Shigeta, and many others.

I’m proud of being a part of the team AllFarmZ.

Thanks Yoder Macas Galarza, Luis Arevalo Calonge, Maria Pia Castillo Areco, Erick Montañez Álvarez for being the team that stops at nothing until the product is great. By being so different, we managed to become stronger.

I thank Ray Milhem, Global Sr Technology Executive for all the help, the knowledge, and the entrepreneurship spirit that you gave to us. “Keep it Simple Sam” helped us during our difficult moments by making sure we focused on what was important. Also with your advice, we understood how to develop, present, and improve our business idea.

Thanks, Erika Gil Gutiérrez, you helped us rethink our preconceived notions, and connected us to people that could help us in our journey.

Thanks, Ron Shigeta, for appearing just at the right time to criticize what wasn’t good, and giving us the strength and courage to move on to improve at any cost. “Everything Sucks!” helped us to be really critical of our work and improve in a much faster way. I can’t thank you enough. Surely we owe you a lot for our first prize.

Finally, I’d like to thank my parents for supporting me throughout this journey. Because of you all, we managed to win First Place in TrepCamp Silicon Valley III 2019.


