Daily Dispatch 36 - Current State of Things over here
Onwards we go.
So I'm on the path to posting 2 posts every week.
This is still a young blog at heart, although I've been posting semi-regularly for the past 6 years.
I didn't find the Show Your Work book before so that's why I took a different approach to post things online now.
This marks the first year where I post about things that are:
- Interesting to others
- Useful
Before I'd go for very deep personal issues that not necessarily would help someone else, and might even put people off my other useful content.
So that's why I chose to start these daily dispatches where I take some liberty of going offroad and off tangents so that I don't completely cut off my more personal rants, but then people know it's not a polished post.
Anyhow, I just published two killer posts that you should definitely check out:

That is it for today, and I'm excited to continue dissecting Nassim Taleb's ideas further on.