Daily Dispatch #9 - Movie App!

One awesome way to test APIs is Postman, but I just recently found out about another one that runs on the browser. Hoppscotch used to be called Postwoman.
I’ve been trying to set up a simple mobile app using this The Movie Database api.
I switched projects to test a little bit what I’ve learned from dependency injection from the previous experience.
On this project I used: Architecture MVVM, Room, Navigation, RxJava, RetroFit, Shared preferences and The MovieDataBase.
It had 2 main screens.
- ListView: List of movies fetched from either OMDB or The MovieDataBase APIs.
- Movies should have: Poster, Title and Release Year
- DetailView:
- Movie should have: Poster, Title and Release Year, Director, Duration, Description, Score.
And I made it with Dark/Light mode support.
Now what I’m planning on doing is replacing RxJava and Retrofit with Ktor(Create asynchronous client and server applications), and to introduce mockk(for mock testing). Both of this new libs are possible multi platform compatible.
To be continued.