Your Parents Are Getting Older

As time goes by, you start taking more responsibilities in your life, in order to be an adult you gotta become more reliable, dependable, self-sufficient. But if you haven’t felt the need to become an adult just yet, maybe this post can shine a light into your mind.
Think about it for a second. Maybe you’ve gone your whole life thinking they are there for you, always helping you out. Getting you out of troubles, or making you feel accountable. Maybe you had lousy parents. Maybe you love them, maybe you don’t. However, there is one thing that affects all of our living parents. Time.
Your parents are getting older.
Getting older doesn’t happen only to kids, teenagers, young adults. It happens for everyone.
Your parents are getting older.
One day you will be looking at their lack of hair, or their thinning white hair. One day you will notice them having difficulty standing up. Pains growing all over their body. More frequent visits to the doctor. They will start getting more silent, more thoughtful, maybe become more introspective, not talking as much as they used to.
They will look at nature more, talk about simple things in life, may become more religious. They won’t listen as much. They won’t talk as much. They may be sadder, happier.
Your parents are getting older.
You will need to be there for them, no one else will be.
There you have it. Go be an adult.