One Last Sprint? - Member Exclusive Post
What would you do if you only had 7 years to pursue your dreams?
What would you do if you only had 7 years to pursue your dreams?
I wanted to enter MIT. Become IronMan. Just like Leonardo. I had this really arrogant asshole friend. He was smarter, he learned faster, and he made sure everyone around knew he was the best. I loved him, and hated him. He was my best friend for years. The thing is,
As time goes by, you start taking more responsibilities in your life, in order to be an adult you gotta become more reliable, dependable, self-sufficient. But if you haven’t felt the need to become an adult just yet, maybe this post can shine a light into your mind. Think
I can’t stop moving. If I stop moving, I start thinking too much. Thinking helps to solve problems in the real world, but it rarely helps with emotional ones. I have deep things inside broken and I don’t know how to fix it. I am starting to think