
Optimism is believing things will work out okay even though you have no proof of that.
Why I lost my Optimism
Ever since I read the book Isaac Asimov wrote about The Collapsing Universe I’ve had this sad hopeless view about things.
The Universe will die. Thermal Death they call it. Just a natural result of forever increasing entropy.
If there is nothing after Death.
Things don’t have any meaning right?
Making my parents proud? The universe in a long time won’t even remember it.
Having kids? One day all of humanity will die together with the universe(if we live that long)
Being a good person? Why try at all?
I Was Wrong
Yep, this is the current theory for the universe. But I got one thing wrong.
You can’t judge the value of system forever just by analyzing the past and the present.
All you can do is guess(predict) a little bit into the future.
But you can’t tell for sure what the future is gonna be like.
Maybe someone will find a way to control entropy.
Maybe a new big bang could happen.
There is so much room for discovery.
And humanity has time to figure out many more stuff.
This, contrary to optimism, is a rational thought. It is a rational foundation that maybe some optimism can grow.
But not too much. I want to be inspired, not deluded.
Here I am now.
I don’t feel hopeless.
I feel like I on the edge of figuring something out. I feel like I could be always on the edge.
I have possibilities. Life is out there to be lived.
And life is too short not to be lived in a spectacular way.