3 Reasons to Get Out of Bed Even When You Just Wanna Hit Snooze and 3 To Hit Snooze

Here’s my list. It works for people who are highly conscientious and goal driven.
Reasons to get Up
1 – You are going to Die, Are You Proud of What You’ve Done So Far?
Someday, it will be the last day you wake up.
Are you satisfied with your work so far?
2 – Do you want to see how much you can accomplish today?
Put yourself through discomfort, whoever comes the other side turns out to be a better version of yourself.
3 – You want Power, and Competence is Power
And to be competent, you must start facing your fears and discomforts.
Reasons to Hit Snooze
1 – You haven’t slept all that well, and today will require a rested mind.
Sometimes we need to rest to perform, don’t let your tired ass make you incompetent. Rest when needed, work when needed. Balance the two. Hard to do, but all I’m doing is writing. And it is a pretty easy advice to give.
2 – You want to have a lazy day
Hey we all need it from time to time. Relax and enjoy.
3- You want to feel pleasure and avoid pain, and that today matters to you more than being competent
Some people want this kind of life, and if that’s you, go ahead.