Today Was a Day (2)

Lost my streak.
Did 33 push ups and 33 dips after not exercising at all for 3 months.
Ran 6.13 km today going to dine at university restaurant. About 20 min of running. I ran for 40 min yesterday( 14.98 km ) at 5 AM, and my legs still hurt.
I still don’t know how much I can do after 46 days of inguinal hernia surgery.
But tomorrow I’ll push for more.
It’s rebuilding time.
Rebuilding my body.
Rebuilding my mind. I’ve already stopped listening to music when studying, and consuming less videos on youtube.
I managed to not look at my phone for more than 5 min during the morning.
I’m focusing on not looking at it at all at the mornings.
Tomorrow will be the restart of #5AMRUNCOLDSHOWER. Day 1 again, day 1 as many times I need it.